The 10k foot view on Scenemator

Hi! If you are reading this page it's either because you are new to Scenemator, you are wondering where to start, or simply because you wish to learn more about it. Either way you are at the right place! Today I will show you the big picture about Scenemator.

Let's start by answering the obvious question : what's Scenemator for ? Well, the initial intent is to help you document and present to others. With Scenemator you will realize that by building a scene (will get to that in a sec.). It has been constructed to be easy to use, quick and to stick to the essential. We also wanted Scenemator to be flexible enough to be used in any field of science or any general context.

Well this is what we had in mind when we built it! If you see other use for it let us know. We will document it! But we truly believe that if you are looking for any kind of advanced graphical tool or slide show editor, well you are probably not at the right place... sorry .

So what's a scene exactly ? For example, let's suppose you meet someone that doesn't have any knowledge of the Internet — someone from outer space for example. You would like to teach him how it works on Earth when you want to buy a shirt online. Then here is what scene could look like:

I mentioned could, because what you put in depends of your intent and your audience. You can end up with 2 slightly different scenes about the same subject. Here we try to keep it simple.

Ok, the key to understand a scene is pretty much like in a movie — you focus on characters and dialogs. If you hover your mouse, we see that it is composed of 3 types of components: element, zone and pathway. We will explain those later.

Now click on to get

The Buy a Shirt is a pathway — in biology a pathway refers to a signaling cascade, i.e.: a bunch of interactions between elements. It shows that a Customer orders a shirt on a Web Site from a Company. Then the order is transferred to the Company's Management System.

Next the shirt is picked, packed and shipped from the Company's Warehouse. It is then put on a truck for delivery to your House.

At a 10000 foot perspective it's pretty much what Scenemator is. So, keep in mind scene, elements, pathways, zones and cards. There are plenty more to know but that's enough for today and, since my train has arrived, I need to go to the office .

You will soon jump in and compose a first scene for yourself. But before we get there, I suggest going through a grand tour of Scenemator. So follow me on my next trail The 5k foot view.

Have a good one!
