Hi! In my last post I provided you the big picture of Scenemator. You should understand what a scene is and few other things as well — You don't? Maybe you want to visit The 10k foot view and then come back here...
Today I propose doing a grand tour of the place so that you know where you can find what. I took the shopping mall store plan approach and built the following scene exposing the different sections of the Scenemator website. Start by locating the which represents where you are right now — Hit so we can show you!
You also have few more to click on to open a new browser tab leading to places of interest on the website.
So you are currently reading a trail — a small post I wrote that addresses a specific aspect of Scenemator — They are located in the learning section which globally holds the technical references on Scenemator.
Also part the learning section, we have the academy . You will find there a card for each component used by Scenemator — i.e: element , zone , pathway , etc. Each card explains how the component can be described and used in composition, layout & pathway and presentation views.
Essentially the learning section is a good place to understand what makes Scenemator and how to use it.
Another place of interest is the gallery section. It contains a collection of meaningful examples which are called master scenes . Typically they are there to show you what can be achieved with Scenemator. They are also good starting points. We invite you to use to build your own scenes — That is why you have Use in emator on every scene!
We also offer you several behind the scene . They explain the making of the a scene using a short video so that you can see how we built it. BTW don't be too hard on me with those video, I really tried my best!
So master scenes is the place for inspiration and to learn some How-To.
The last and not the least is the emator editor itself. This is the place where all the magic occurs — and there are a bunch of things that can be done but functionality is not our today's focus. As an overview, it is important to locate and understand those:
This is pretty much what you need to know to find you way in our universe. I hope you enjoyed it ? I know, I know, not quite as cool has a the Disney World™'s Grand Tour . Anyhow you are now ready to compose you first scene. My next train will be dedicated to Scene Composition.
Have a good one!