The Tic-Tac-Toe game is played using a hash grid (), usually hand drawn on a piece of paper. Two players in turn place a symbol — one using the other — on an empty location on the grid. There is a win when 3 symbols of a kind are placed within a line which could be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
A good strategy to be successful in that game is to avoid starting the same way every time. I also found that playing against kids under 8 of age is a pretty good way to be successful too!
That version of Tic-Tac-Toe plays using the Composition View — recognizable by the presence of pipes: , and . They are respectively used to introduce and or drain them out.
The scene contains 3 boards that can be played in sequence or in parallel for more challenge!
When it's his turn a player first chooses where to place his mark by clicking on then hits his pipe.
To reset the game you can click several times on or reload the page within your browser.